Membership Subscription can be paid for in a number of ways: (just click the relevant link)

Life Member
Single Lifetime Payment
Subscribing Member
Recurring Annual Payment
Subscribing Member
Recurring Annual Payment

Payments are made to:-

Peak Activities & Leisure Limited

Reg. Office: 34 Briar Gate, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 4BL

Co. Reg No: 04469256

This is an entirely non profit making organisation ensuring that all income to the group is used for the benefit of members and bona fide group expenses. No-one is paid or receives any income from their involvement with the group.

All of your payment details are held securely by the payment services provider not ourselves and any recurring payment schedule remains directly under your own control and may be cancelled at any time. Should you do this, we assume you also wish your membership of the group cancelled at the same time.

Life Members do not need to make any further payments for membership as long as they attend a minimum of 2 walks per annum. If, after three years of guaranteed Life Membership, they fall below this their membership will be downgraded to an Annual Membership and then further annual membership payments requested. For a full explanation of our membership categories read the full "What we're about" message on our Meetup home page or check out

You do not need a Paypal account for single payments made via Paypal just select Paypal Guest Checkout or Pay by Debit or Credit Card when prompted. You DO need a Paypal or GoCardless account when setting up Subscribing services but these will be created automatically on both systems as part of the Checkout.

If you have any problems with any of these options, please email us at and we can send you the relevant direct payment link by return.

We no longer routinely accept cash, cheque or BACS payments due to the higher administrative cost and burden of these methods